Dare to Run is proud to host events in the community to encourage women to run for public office.
Dare to Run Valentine's Day Happy Hour: February 12, 2020
Dare to Run hosted Valentine's Day Happy Hour on the lower East Side. Participants came and wrote letters to our favorite female legislators across New York State! Letters were mailed to female legislators in honor of Valentine's Day.

International Women's Day: Run for Office, Change the World:
March 8, 2020
In honor of International Women's Day, Dare to Run hosted a panel called Run for Office: Change the World, profiling 6 amazing women who are running for public office across New York State. They include:
Felicia Singh, Candidate for City Council District 32
Chivona Renee Newsome, Candidate for U.S. Senate District 15
Sara Lind, Candidate for City Council District 6
Ischia Bravo, Candidate for City Council District 15
Raquel Batista, Past Candidate for City Council District 15
Shirley Paul, Candidate for City Council District 46
Candidates shared the successes and challenges of running campaigns for public office, skills they've learned on the journey so far, and what advice they would offer to women who are considering running for public office in New York.

Zoom Panel: RealTalk: Covid-19 Update in New York State
On May 20th, 2020, Dare to Run hosted a Zoom Panel featuring: Senator Andrea-Stewart Cousins, Senator Alessandra Biaggi, Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez, and Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal. The legislators discussed the Covid-19 pandemic York State, specifically what challenges are being faced by vulnerable communities and what the State Legislature is doing to address those challenges.
Dare to Run Presents: #BlackWomenLead - A Conversation with Black Women Leaders in the Community
On June 28th, 2020 Dare to Run hosted an important conversation on the Importance of Black Women's Leadership featuring Councilwoman Farah Louis (D-45), Chivona Renee Newsome, Candidate for NY's 15th Congressional District and co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Greater New York. In the wake of a pandemic, and recent events that are happening around the country and the globe, black women have emerged as important voices on a range of issues affecting communities worldwide. Join us for this important conversation, moderated by Sheba Simpson, who is running for public office in City Council District 9 in NYC.
Women's Equality Day: August 26th, 2020
Celebrating 100 Years of Women's Suffrage in the United States
On August 26, 2020, Dare to Run celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment in the United States, which granted women the right to vote. Simultaneously, we celebrated the launch of our 2nd cohort of the Dare to Run Virtual Women's Leadership Program. We recognized Nayma Silver, Giselle Burgess, and Sheba Simpson, all members of the first Cohort. We saluted the incoming members of the second cohort: Dorian Rojas, Karinna Carillo, Stephanie Rosas-Garcia and Kayla Cato! We also saluted the women who worked hard and sacrificed plenty in the struggle for women's equality.